M&A Process

Our objectives in each transaction are:

  • To uncover the “hidden” (off balance sheet) value that your company has. This is important for most companies because the value is oftentimes not found on the balance sheet.
  • To identify buyers who will offer the best price and terms.
  • To structure the process to provide flexibility so that a number of offers from a variety of parties can be brought in and evaluated in a reasonable timeframe.
  • To organize the process so that our client’s management team can focus their primary efforts on managing and growing the business without being unduly concerned about the divestiture process.
  • To maintain confidentiality to the greatest extent possible.

Empire is able to locate potential buyers who will offer the best price and terms and will create an environment that is beneficial to your transaction by bringing multiple potential buyers to the table.

Our advisors look at a wide range of internal and external variables surrounding your business and can help you to position your business for an exit that meets your goals. Some of these factors include a review of current market conditions, and personal goals and objectives, as well as a review of valuation expectations, deal structure, tax implications, and your management and employee concerns.

Empire will guide you through every aspect of the selling process. Due to our extensive database of potential buyers combined with our industry knowledge and research capabilities, we can bring numerous strategic buyers to your deal. We will develop a professional company information memorandum (very detailed and lengthy documents) and will present your company’s information so that it is easy for potential purchasers to understand your value quickly. We are able to function effectively as a buffer between buyers and sellers when negotiations get strained.

The advisors at Empire are able to bring the following to your transaction process:

  • Strong Negotiating Skills
  • Innovative Deal Structuring, and
  • Creative Problem Solving

The Process


  • Preliminary assessment of value and sale ability
  • Conduct an in-depth review of business operations
  • Examine the goals of the shareholders and analyze the potential directions the business can take to reach those goals
  • Prepare information memorandum
  • Identify potential purchasers/investors
  • Agreement on transaction value range
  • Establish confidentiality program


  • Depending on your unique situation, we will identify a select number of companies and approach them individually or we will launch a broader marketing campaign
  • Obtain non-disclosure agreements
  • Distribute information memorandum

Solicit Offers

  • Arrange introductions and organize initial meetings
  • Provide periodic status reports
  • Solicit letters of intent
  • Assist with supplementary information requests

Offer Selection

  • Compare and analyze letters of intent
  • Select party with whom to proceed

Final Negotiations and Closing

  • Manage the selected party’s due diligence requests
  • Assist with review and negotiation of purchase and sale agreement
  • Attend closing meeting

If we can be of assistance in helping you achieve your strategic plans or talk about your goals and beyond, let’s start with a conversation and see where it leads. It’s never too early to start planning. Contact us at [email protected] or call us at 949-630-5577.