Are You Feeling Overwhelmed or Burned Out?
We all feel burnout at one time or another, it can come with a business that’s successful or one that is not as successful.  Selling before the burnout syndrome becomes a threat to the effective management of a business is important.
• That isolated feeling. The burnt-out owner has been “chief cook and bottle washer†for such an extended period of time that even routine acts of decision-making and action-taking seem like Sisyphean tasks. These owners have been doing it all and need to start delegating or bringing in some help.
• Hazy perspective. Burnt-out owners are so close to their work that they lose clarity. Prioritizing becomes a major daily challenge, and problem-solving sometimes goes no further than the application of business Band-Aids that cost money in the long run rather than increase profits.
• Ain’t No fun. Of course, owning a business is hard work, but it should also include an element of enjoyment. The owner who drags himself or herself through every day, with a sense of dread – or boredom – should consider moving on to a fresh challenge elsewhere.
• Just plain tired. Simply put, many business owners burn out from the demands placed on them to keep their companies operating day after day, year after year. The schedule is not for everyone; in fact, statistics show that it’s hardly for anyone, long-term.
The important point here is for business owners to recognize the signs and take action before burnout begins to hinder the growth – or sheer survival – of the business. Many of today’s independent business owners feel they’ve worked hard, made their money and sense that now is a good time to “cash-out†and move on.  The timing to sell a business is good right now.